Who We Are

Hernández, Zamanillo, Peña y Asociados (H&Z) is a law firm founded in 2001, and whose partners accumulate more than 25 years of experience in various specialized branches of law in Mexico.

H&Z Abogados


H&Z emerged with the mission of providing competitive legal services through personalized attention, something that is not possible to obtain from the big traditional companies.

To provide efficient legal services, H&Z has members of academic standards and professionals of excellence, who are constantly updated in their legal areas of interest, as well as in branches related to the activities of their clients.

H&Z offers a maximum level of response that allows its customers to make decisions in their business environment with a complete picture in a timely manner.


At H&Z we understand that, in order to adequately protect the interests of our clients, the offer of services we provide must be multidisciplinary, fostering close synergies that represent an added value in each contract of our office.

H&Z is an office that aspires to excellence in the provision of legal services, betting on innovation as a key to respond to the challenges of the present with an eye on the future.

Meet Our Attorneys

León R. Hernández R.

León R. Hernández R.

Founding partner, specialist in Maritime Law, Port Development, Energy, Environmental and Insurance Law.

Francisco J. Zamanillo Cervantes

Francisco J. Zamanillo Cervantes

Founding partner, specialist in Civil and Commercial Law, Administrative Law and Amparo Trial.

José Alberto Peña Piña

José Alberto Peña Piña

Founding partner, specialist in Labor Law and Amparo Trial. In the areas mentioned, he has worked independently for more than 20 years.